Social Work

Sanjeeta Negi, an Ardent Cyclist and NGO Founder Working for the Village Community Through a Cleanliness Drive


A state of total harmony of the body, mind, and spirit is defined as good health.
A state of total harmony of the body, mind, and spirit is defined as good health.

An enthusiastic Cyclist and dedicated NGO founder, Sanjeeta is improving rural communities by supporting sustainable development.

Sanjeeta Negi is the founder of an Ahmedabad-based NGO. She is also a cyclist.

Sanjeeta was born and brought up in Jaipur. She attended Sophia College in Ajmer for her graduation in home science, and then she moved to Udaipur, where she completed her master degree. She also holds a master degree in yoga and attended a two-year program at Brandeis University in the United States.

Sanjeeta has twelve years of experience working for various milk cooperatives like Amul, affiliated with the National Dairy Development Board. She founded her NGO-National Organization for Sustainable Development, in order to serve the village community. She has been working on projects involving water harvesting, the environment, organic farming, assisting farmers in need, and most recently, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, for more than sixteen years.

Sanjeeta recalls her childhood when they had to move every three years due to her father's transferable job. She was able to learn about and understand individuals from diverse backgrounds as a result. Her interest in people grew into a passion, and then a career. She adores the memories of her childhood in the village, where she and her family spent the majority of her summers.

When asked about her life's challenges, Sanjeeta says, challenges are part of life. After being married, she began working in Anand, Gujarat, for the National Dairy Development Board. Her work required her to commute to different villages. But after having kids, she found it difficult to manage her personal and professional lives. With the help of her mother and mother-in-law, she was able to make it though. After serving for many years, she made the decision to start her own non-profit organization, but procuring the necessary funding proved to be a big challenge. She attributes all her success to her family, who helped her get through every obstacle.

When asked about her role models, Sanjeeta says she considers the former lieutenant governor and ex-IPS officer, Kiran Bedi as a role model. She says that her honesty, ethics, and the manner in which she handled herself as a wife, mother, and IPS officer served as an inspiration for her.

Discussing whether education or experience is more important, Sanjeeta says education and experience are parallel. Without one, another cannot exist. She says she had twenty years of professional experience before going to the United States for education, but her new course has changed her perspective and enhanced her skills.  To develop as a person, one needs both experience and education in her opinion.

If Sanjeeta ever had a Time Machine, she says she wouldn't make any changes to her life.

Talking about her experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sanjeeta says she thinks nature taught us that humans are only a minor part of the universe's overall process. We must coexist peacefully with nature. She thinks that the pandemic time has made us more aware and pushed us to establish more structured daily routines. She helped individuals during the lockdowns by providing food and medicine. Furthermore, she also learned how to recite the Srimad Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit. She also believes that in order to live the best life possible, our body, mind, and soul must be in harmony.

Sanjeeta encourages young people to reestablish values in their lives, families, and society. She thinks that in order to find true happiness and peace, a person must go back to their origins and learn how to infuse ‘Shastras’ into their daily lives.

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Sanjeeta Negi, Founder & Cyclist at NGO, Ahmedabad

Watch inspiring story of Sanjeeta Negi, Founder & Cyclist at NGO in Ahmedabad.